The observation of the Sabbath day is a widely controversial topic among religious circles today. This is an attempt to explain what we here at Moshiach Ministries believe and recognize as truth on the matter. First and foremost, it must be stated that the observing of the Sabbath, as well as the Feast and Festival days, and also the dietary laws are not unto your salvation. Meaning simply, that you receive salvation through Yeshua (Jesus), not through doing the Feast, the dietary laws, nor the Sabbath (Shabbat). By observing the above, you receive blessing and reward. What and when is the Sabbath? The actual Sabbath day is the last day of the week, which is the seventh (Saturday). It was created for man as a day of rest from labor or work. It is the only day, outside of a Feast day, that God blessed and sanctified (separated) as holy (Gen.2:2-3). Keeping this in mind, there is no scripture found in the bible (Torah), where the Creator ever changed this. Later, we find Yah (God) commanding His Sabbath to be observed by Israel (Ex.20:9-11). A commonly misinterpreted scripture among Christians on this matter is found in Gal.4:10. It is believed that observing the Sabbath is a part of observing the law of Moses, which mankind was delivered from through Jesus. But on the contrary, observing the law is not what was spoken against, but doing it for salvation without the Spirit, which is called legalism. Apostle Paul did not speak against the Torah, but he spoke against legalism. This still doesn't explain why Sunday replaced the Sabbath, which as stated earlier, is not found in scripture anywhere. Sunday Sabbath worship was instituted by an early Christian father called Constantine in a statement known as the Nicene Creed. This is where it was agreed upon by the Council of Nicaea to gather on Sunday as a Sabbath; being that Constantine was a known sun worshipper.
If we understand why the Sabbath is important to our Creator, there would be no controversy on its observation. Everything about the covenants that were made with Israel are sabbatical; it revolves around the number seven. There are seven covenants, seven candlesticks in the menorah, sevenfold Spirit of God, and seven days of creation. This is the significance of the Sabbath; it revolves around the relationship between God and His bride, Israel. When God created the heavens and earth, he separated light from darkness, water from waters, day from night, etc. What was being done spiritually is that He was separating a people for Himself. This whole walk is about the Creator gaining a bride for Himself. Adam experienced this when Eve was brought to him from his own body. In the same way, He is taking a people for Himself from His own body."Flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone", is figurative of the Lord taking the best from creation to be close to Him. Much like the example of creation, God works on mankind (the earth) for 6 days (6000 yrs.), and on the seventh day He rested from His work, for we will be like Him in the seventh day. The seventh day is the day of the wedding with our Creator. So, the Sabbath is special to Him because it is the day He will finally have His bride. When we observe it, we are saying that we are willing to become what it is that He wants us to be. The observance of Sabbath separates his bride from others like a wedding ring separates a married woman from a single one. With this understanding of Sabbath, no one who wants to worship our Creator should be skeptical of observing it. Of course, as all the other requirements of Torah, we should observe for the purpose of blessing, reward, and a greater knowledge of our Creator; along with the Spirit. Amen.
Sabbath Teaching
From Revelation chapter 22:1-5
A different kind of fruit tree is produced each month with leaves for the healing of the nations. Each month we will look at the calendar to see what kind of fruit we have. We look to the throne of Yah and of the Lamb and His servants will worship him. The Light of the World will order our steps.
You are to begin your Calendar with this month. Restoration begins in the month of Nisan. The death, burial, and resurrection of our savior Yeshua was in Nisan. The Festival of Pesach (Passover) is celebrated for eight days.
Avram received the promise of the land of Kena’an (Canaan) for his descendants. Yahweh fulfilled his word on Iyar 5 5708, Isra’el became a Nation. Yahweh says “I will return to Yerushalayim with merciful deeds, and my house will be rebuilt there.”
On the day of firstfruits, when you bring a new grain offering to Yahweh in your feast of Shavu’ot you are to have a holy convocation. Acts 2:1-4 says the festival of Shavu’ot arrived, and the believers gathered (for a holy convocation) in one place, there came a sound from the sky like a violent wind and filled the house where they were sitting. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh).